House Fly Eyes

House fly eyes are compound organs that are comprised of thousands of individual lenses. Compound eyes are capable of detecting both the polarization of light and color spectrums unseen by humans.

House fly eyes can recognize even the slightest movements in a wide field. This allows the fly to see a far wider range, as well as detect and react to movement at a quicker pace than species with simple eyes. This is the reason that it is extremely difficult to swat a house fly.

House flies are meticulous in their grooming, particularly around their eyes. These flies use their forelegs to remove any material that has come into contact with the eyes.


Dig Deeper on House Flies

Gestation of a House Fly

Different House Fly Species

Blue House Flies

House Fly Larvae

House Fly Eyes

House Fly Sounds

House Flies and Disease

Lesser House Fly Facts | Get Rid of Little House Flies

Where Do Flies Lay Eggs? | Get Rid of Flies

Small Red Flies In House | Red Fruit Flies

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