House Fly Gestation

Like many insects, the common house fly experiences a four-phase life cycle, beginning when a fertilized female finds a suitable location for laying her eggs. The gestation of a house fly egg is only 24 hours, and infestations spread at alarming rates. Larvae emerge from their eggs and begin feeding. Using their egg site as a source of food, the larvae, which are commonly referred to as maggots, eat for four days in order to store nutrients for metamorphosis.

Following the larval phase, maggots migrate to find dryer, dark locations within which to pupate. During this phase, the wormlike maggot undergoes a complete transformation, sprouting three pairs of legs and a pair of wings. When the housefly emerges after four days of transformation, it will be fully formed. Within a few hours, females are capable of reproduction.


Dig Deeper on House Flies

Gestation of a House Fly

Different House Fly Species

Blue House Flies

House Fly Larvae

House Fly Eyes

House Fly Sounds

House Flies and Disease

Lesser House Fly Facts | Get Rid of Little House Flies

Where Do Flies Lay Eggs? | Get Rid of Flies

Small Red Flies In House | Red Fruit Flies

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