Where Do Flies Lay Eggs Inside Houses?

Fly Pupae

Most insects begin their life cycle by laying eggs in various locations. Where flies lay their eggs depends on the species of fly and their preferred habitat. There are many indoor spots ideal for the development of these pests.

Understanding their eating and breeding patterns can help when you need to eliminate their populations. It is especially important to know where certain species lay their eggs.

Where Do Flies Lay Eggs Inside Buildings?

Knowing where to find fly eggs in a house can help homeowners detect and prevent infestations. Common indoor species like house flies and fruit flies may complete their life cycle within homes. As a result, getting rid of breeding sites is important in removing the insects.

House Flies

House Fly Illustration

Homeowners typically find house fly eggs in moist, decaying organic material like trash, grass clippings, or feces. Elongated and pale in color, they appear in clusters and hatch quickly after being laid by the female fly.

Fruit Flies

Fruit Fly

These insects may deposit up to 500 eggs at a time. Fruit fly eggs incubate in fermenting liquids such as food waste, rotting produce and in the debris associated with drains.

Drain Flies

Drain Fly

As their name suggests, drain flies lay eggs in the film that forms in drain pipes and garbage disposals. Standing water increases the chance these pests will breed and develop in the house.

Blow Flies

blow fly image

Blow fly eggs develop in rotten meat and animal feces. Homeowners who notice these insects in the house likely have a decomposing animal nearby in a wall void or attic space.

Fungus Gnats

Gnat Illustration For Identification

Female fungus gnats deposit eggs in moist organic matter. Overwatered houseplants provide ideal conditions for the development of these pests.

Where Do Flies Lay Their Eggs Outdoors?

Other nuisance species, like stable and cluster flies, lay eggs outside. These flies may cause problems with their feeding habits or simply by appearing in large numbers. Removing their preferred habitats can stop these pests from multiplying.

Cluster Flies

Cluster Fly Image

Because they feed on earthworms as larvae, cluster fly eggs appear in soil outdoors. When these pests mature into adults, they sometimes fly to search out overwinter sites in homes and may emerge into living spaces. When they sense it is time to end their overwintering diapause, they resume their flying activity once again.

Stable Flies

Stable flies lay their eggs in animal waste, rotting vegetation wastes, and other decaying matter. Females require blood to develop eggs, so they may bite livestock or people.

Getting Rid of Flies

Stopping flies from breeding is the first step in controlling infestations. To prevent fly eggs from developing, keep kitchens clean and free of old produce and trash. Closing doors and windows promptly and fitting them with tight fitting screens also may help. But, removing their sources of food and developmental sites are usually the best ways to prevent or control flies.

When flies become problems, contact Orkin’s specialists to locate the places where flies lay eggs and have the Orkin pest management professionals develop a plan to control and exclude these pests.

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