What Are Signs of a Bed Bug Infestation?

Evidence of a bed bug infestation includes:

  • Presence of blood stains.

  • Bites that usually result in reddish marks where the bed bug has bitten a host.

  • Bed bugs are seen in cracks and gaps in a home.

  • Bed bugs observed in mattresses and box springs.

  • Bed bugs observed in furniture and under carpets.

  • Presence of adult bed bugs, immature bed bugs, their cast-off skins, feces, and eggs in the seams of chairs and couches, between cushions, and in the folds of curtains.

Picture of bed bugs grouped in a cluster

Bed bugs grouped in a cluster

Where do bed bugs hide?

Bed bugs are flat and small in size, allowing them to hide easily from view during the day when they are not active. They hide in mattresses, bed frames, bedding, furniture, carpets, baseboards and bedroom clutter. They are most commonly found in the seams of mattresses or inside box springs. However, it is not necessary to locate a specimen to identify an infestation. Their excrement leaves brown to black stains on mattresses and linens, and bloodstains may be visible where bed bugs have been accidentally crushed.

Bed bugs are commonly transported within luggage, allowing them to spread anywhere humans settle. Infestations have become a problem in domestic households, hotels, dormitories and other places of residence. Because of their small size and propensity to hide within mattresses and furniture, controlling a bed bug infestation can prove difficult.

The presence of only one fertile female bed bug in a friendly environment such as a single or multiple family dwelling is an infestation that is waiting to happen. Since a healthy, blood-fed female bed bug can produce from 200-500 healthy eggs during her lifetime and may lay from 2-5 eggs each day, the likelihood of an infestation of bed bugs is extremely high unless bed bug control efforts by your pest management professional are employed to eliminate the infestation.

How do you get bed bugs?

Bed bugs are commonly transported within luggage, allowing them to spread anywhere humans settle. Infestations have become a problem in domestic households, hotels, dormitories and other places of residence. Because of their small size and propensity to hide within mattresses and furniture, controlling a bed bug infestation can prove difficult.

Can one bed bug Start an Infestation?

The presence of only one fertile female bed bug in a friendly environment such as a single or multiple family dwelling is an infestation that is waiting to happen. Since a healthy, blood-fed female bed bug can produce from 200-500 healthy eggs during her lifetime and may lay from 2-5 eggs each day, the likelihood of an infestation of bed bugs is extremely high unless bed bug control efforts by your pest management professional are employed to eliminate the infestation.

What are bed bug trails?

Bed bugs also bite when you're asleep. Unlike mosquitoes, however, they have a habit of sinking their teeth directly into your skin several times in search of a suitable blood vessel. The resulting typical pattern of adjacent bites is also known as the "bed bug trail".

Can bed bugs infest pets?

If you’re wondering whether or not bed bugs can infest dogs, the answer is yes, but canines are not their preferred source. Unlike fleas and ticks, bed bugs aren’t too fond of pets as they prefer exposed skin and find it difficult to navigate through fur. Although, if they’re desperate enough, bed bugs will turn to an alternate source for their meal. So, when it comes to bed bugs and pets, it’s important to know the facts.

Since these pests often hide in tiny crevices like mattress seams, pet bedding can be a prized location for bed bugs to call home. If you suspect that your pet has been bitten by a bed bug, keep an eye on their behavior. Watch for biting, scratching and licking, particularly around their belly or limbs. These bites typically occur in a straight line of tiny red bumps, perhaps in groups of two or three. Depending on the length of your pet’s fur, bed bugs can be hard to find. Examine your pet’s bedding to check for spotting, which could be dried blood from a bite or bed bug feces. There may also be exoskeletons around your pet’s bedding as these bloodsuckers shed their skin. Even though they’re extremely small and hard to find, bed bug eggs are a clear indicator that an early-stage bed bug infestation has begun.

If you discover any of these signs, contact your local Orkin Pro as soon as possible for a customized bed bug treatment plan.

Do bed bugs leave stains?

Since bed bugs feast on the blood of their hosts, the fecal stains from the insects may be tinged with the color of blood.

What do bed bug blood stains look like?

Fecal spotting tends to resemble a felt-tipped black marker on fabric and raised bumps on solid surfaces that are dark brown or even black because the blood meal has been digested.

What does bed bug feces look like on walls & sheets?

Bed bug droppings can vary in appearance depending on the bed bug's life stage and what they have recently consumed. However, they commonly resemble tiny, ink-like dots or smears. Fresh droppings are often dark brown or black, while older ones may become dry and appear as powdery flakes. Dark marks from bed bug droppings about the size of a pen tip can appear on mattresses, sheets, headboards, and even your walls. These marks are much smaller than blood stains and emit a faint, rusty smell that contributes to the overall unusual odor.

How to Clean Bed Bug Stains & Feces

The dark splotches found on your mattress, bedspread, and pillows come from the feces of bed bugs. While older bed bug stains may be more difficult to remove, they are not impossible. Old or set-in stains can be removed with a commercial spot treatment. Fresh stains should wash out easily with a regular wash and spot treatment. Heavier stains should be pre-treated with an enzyme-based stain remover and/or a peroxide-ammonia mixture. Whatever you do, keep heat away from the fabric until you've made every effort to remove the stain. The exterminator will locate the bed bugs (which may be found in multiple locations) and provide the pest control treatment needed.

How to Dispose of Bed Bug Infested Furniture

If you’ve experienced or are currently wading through a bed bug infestation, your first thoughts may be to just throw out any bed bug infested furniture. While that seems like the quickest plan to rid your home of bed bugs, it’s not necessarily the best idea. By moving a bed bug infested mattress or other piece of furniture, you risk spreading the infestation to other areas of your home. Here are a few options:

Furniture Wrapping

If you’re set on removing the bed bug infested furniture from your home, make sure you wrap it in plastic prior to moving it. You don’t want your infected items to contaminate anything along its journey to the curb. The slightest movement will alert bed bugs that they’re moving, so it’s important to wrap your furniture as tight as possible so they aren’t able to escape. Another vital step for safety is to inform others about the infected furniture. Whether you’re leaving it in a dumpster or on the street, make sure to leave a note indicating to people that it has bed bugs.

Removal Service

Most local junk removal services will pick up your furniture for a small fee. When calling to book an appointment, make sure to inform them that the furniture you need removed is infested with bed bugs. Some companies may specialize in this issue, and if they don’t, ask for a referral to another one that does.

Hire a Pest Control Professional

If you’re set on trying to keep your furniture, consider hiring a pest control professional. You may be able to effectively treat your infested furniture so that you’re able to keep it in your home.

If you’re concerned about a potential bed bug infestation, early detection is critical. In order to prevent a larger problem from emerging, it’s best to contact your local Orkin Pro as soon as possible. By using the latest technology available, we can help protect your home with effective bed bug treatments suited to your specific needs. We're experts at recognizing the many signs of bed bug infestation and we know exactly what you need to help prevent and repel bed bugs from your home.

To learn more about bed bug infestations and how to protect your home from these insatiable pests, contact your local pest control experts by calling your local Orkin branch.

Picture of bed bug infested mattress

Bed bug infested mattress

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