How Do Bed Bug Traps Work?

Close-up Picture of Bed Bug on a Chair and Bed Bug Exterminator

Do bed bug traps work?

As bed bugs remain one of the most feared household pests, more and more bed bug traps and deterrents are hitting the market. For homeowners suddenly stricken with an infestation, these products offer hope of a fast, easy, and cheap solution. Unfortunately, virtually all DIY bed bug trapping methods are no match for the insidious pests.

What are bed bug bombs?

Bed bug foggers, also known as bed bug bombs, are an aerosol product designed to kill bed bugs and other pests by using a sprayed stream of aerosolized insecticides designed to spray out the container’s insecticide all at once. Bed bug foggers may kill bed bugs; however, bug bombs generally do not completely eradicate bed bug infestations unless used with other more effective and efficient bed bug control methods. Foggers may also be used to control cockroaches, fleas, and other insect pests. Most foggers contain pyrethrin or pyrethroid pesticides, plus aerosol propellants that fills the area being treated.

How do bed bug bombs work?

Commercially available bed bug traps typically take the form of small pods designed to lure the pests inside and expose them to chemicals.

How effective are bed bug bombs?

Like other pest management products, effectiveness depends on using the right product in the right area and precisely adhering to the instructions. Foggers are usually marketed using terms like “affordable,” “easy-to-use,” and “cost-effective alternative to employing pest control companies." However, entomological research studies pitting bed bug foggers against bed bug infestations show that aerosol bombs have little to no effect on obtaining effective and acceptable bed bug control.

Bed Bug Bombs Safety Concerns

Just like other pest control products, safety concerns arise whenever bug bombs are not used in strict accordance with the product label. Associated concerns include could involve:

  • Nose and throat irritation

  • Dyspnea (difficulty breathing and Coughing

  • Dizziness

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea

  • Cramps

People with asthma or other respiratory conditions may be at risk of serious illness. Foggers can trigger asthma attacks and other severe respiratory reactions that may require emergency care. Infants are especially vulnerable because they spend time near treated flooring, put household objects in their mouth, and are more sensitive to the toxic effect of pesticides.

Do ultrasonic bed bug repellents work?

Among the more peculiar and ineffective solutions for trapping bed bugs are ultrasonic pest repellers, which plug into an electrical outlet and are intended to use sound pulses to drive away bed bugs. Common homemade solutions include cutting up two-liter bottles to protect the legs of beds and furniture from pest exposure.

Professional Bed Bug Control

The most effective bed bug trap will always be a pest professional armed with knowledge, experience, and the best products and equipment. An Orkin Pro can assess each infestation and strategically respond with an individualized bed bug control plan to trap and neutralize the blood-sucking pests.

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