What happens when the creepy critters make their way inside?

Two truths and a lie

  1. Termites creep in and cause more than $5 billion in damage each year.

  2. Carpenter ants repair wood like tiny builders.

  3. Bed bugs lay 5 eggs daily, spreading nightmares.

The lie: Carpenter ants are no friendly builders! They haunt your home by chewing through wood, causing major damage.

Not in This House: Home Safety Issues Caused by Pests

It's fall again, which means it's time to adjust to all the buzzing, scurrying, and creeping pests that come out when the weather cools. Hello, spooky invaders!

But what happens when the creepy critters make their way inside? Did you know that many of them can do real damage to your home? Here are four most common pests that can cause real safety concerns in your home, and how Orkin can help.

1. Termites

Take a bite out of this: According to the National Pest Management Association, termites cause more than $5 billion in damage every year in the United States. They feed on a diet of wood, which makes the walls of your house a tasty treat. What’s more, these hungry home-invaders can fit through cracks as small as 1/32 of an inch.

To prevent termite infestation before it happens, Orkin professionals recommend removing moisture and food sources—like firewood, lumber or paper—from the foundation or any openings in your home. But once termites are in, you’ll likely need professional help to deal with the problem.

2. Silverfish

Ever seen one of these uglies when you stepped into the shower or opened the pantry? Yikes. Their flailing movements and multi-legged bodies look like something straight out of a science fiction thriller. Despite their disturbing appearance, silverfish do not pose a safety risk to you, but without assistance from a pest control provider like Orkin, your property may not be so fortunate.

The centipede look-alikes reproduce quickly and leave small holes in materials they bite. Customers have sent Orkin their complaints about damage to clothing, books, papers, food in pantries and wallpaper as the results of silverfish infestations. At the first sign of an infestation, you should contact a trained Orkin Pest Control professional who can assess your situation.

3. Bed Bugs

Trust us—you don’t want to cozy up with a thousand of these at night. Bed bugs feed on blood, and while they’re not known to spread diseases, they can reproduce rapidly and take up an unwelcome residence throughout your entire home. This speedy takeover is spurred on by the female bed bug’s ability to lay one to five eggs a day.

Keep an eye out for the flat, reddish-brown and oval-shaped bed bugs in secondhand furniture, as well as in your luggage when you travel. The blood-suckers are excellent hitchhikers who tend to invite themselves right across your doormat and into your household belongings.

4. Carpenter Ants and Bees

Perhaps the names for these pesky bugs should be changed—because while an actual carpenter spends time creating materials with wood, carpenter ants and carpenter bees do just the opposite. These pests destroy wooden structures by chewing holes and building nests in porch pillars, roofs, window sills and more.

That brand-new swing set in the back yard? Gobbled up. The bike rack next to the garage that took you hours to build? Fast food. The sun deck with the hand-made lounge chairs? Well, you get the idea.

To keep these pests wannabes instead of wood-eaters, here’s an Orkin safety warning: Keep an eye out for small piles of sawdust around your home. It could mean carpenter ants or carpenter bees are digging and creating nests. If you think you have a problem, working with Orkin is easy. An Orkin Pest Control professional is always available to help.

How to Get Rid of Pests

None of these pests are pleasant to deal with. Fortunately, Orkin Pest Control can help. Orkin issues customized solutions for your home, with specific, science-backed strategies for each type of pest. If you suspect you may have an issue, contact us today to learn the benefits of working with Orkin and how to kick pests out for good.

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