How do bed bugs move?

Picture of Adult Bed Bug on Human Hand for Scale

Bed bugs do not have wings and are not capable of flight. Unlike other wingless insects such as fleas, bed bugs also are not equipped to jump long distances. Bed bugs may move from host to host, although this is typically accomplished by crawling.

Bed bugs are insects that belong to the order Hemiptera, or true bugs. They are blood-feeding insects that have piercing sucking mouth parts. Bed bugs undergo gradual metamorphosis which includes eggs, nymphs and adults. Nymphs look very similar to the adults with the main difference being the adults can reproduce. Female bed bugs typically lay only a few eggs per day.

The common bed bug prefers to feed on human hosts and does not prefer pets or other furry animals. They are transported by people, most often in personal belongings like luggage, purses, gym bags or other items which are kept close to sleep areas. Bed bugs are not known to transmit diseases to humans. However, their bites can cause skin irritation which can be severe in certain individuals.

Bed Bug Luggage

Bed Bug Luggage

If you think you think you have bed bugs, it is best to contact a pest control professional. Homeowners are not likely to resolve a bed bug infestation on their own, due to the bug resistance to many over-the-counter products and the bugs' ability to hide.

Bed Bug Control

How to identify Bed Bugs?

Learn what Bed Bugs look like, and how to detect if you have a Bed Bug Infestation.

How do you get Bed Bugs?

Find out how Bed Bugs infiltrate your home and where they are attracted to.

How serious are Bed Bugs?

Learn about Bed Bug bites. their feces and how they can impact your health.

What Orkin does

Learn how Orkin handles Bed Bugs, homeopathic cures and the cost of Bed Bug extermination services.

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