Species of Mice

The word "mouse" has been use to identify different rodents which generally possess pointed snouts, sparsely furred tails and large ears. Most mouse species are terrestrial, although some live in trees and shrubs. Others dig burrows or reside in the nests of other animals. Mice are further identified as being Old World or New World species.

The New World group is comprised of several species. The most prevalent is the deer mouse. The harvest mouse is also common and lives primarily in green and swampy habitats. Grasshopper mice dwell in flatland and hot desert environments. They feed primarily on insects. The pygmy mouse is one of the smallest recorded mammals, measuring less than 100 mm in length from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail.

Different mouse species carry different viruses, bacteria, parasites and diseases. Many species are major causes of crop destruction, tree damage and food contamination. Those dwelling indoors also tend to cause damage to infested structures, as well as to personal belongings of the residents.

Types of Mice

Black Mice

Brown Mice

Field Mice

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