What should we do about mice in crawl space and attic?

Question: We think we have a mouse (hopefully just one) in our crawl space. There may even be one in our attic. What should we do besides put traps out?

Answer: Mouse control takes a little time and patience. Mice usually stay close to their nests, so if there are sounds in the attic and the crawl space, there may be more than one problem. Noises in the attic might also be rats or squirrels. The time when they are active will be a clue. Squirrels are active during the day. Mice and rats are usually active at night.

Keep in mind that whether in the attic or the crawl, mice and rats can be destructive by their gnawing of electric and telephone wiring. They also carry ectoparasites, such as fleas, and are known to spread disease. Mice and rats also are incontinent so they will urinate and defecate quite frequently, adding to the hazards.

The control program really should begin with the question, "How did they get in here?"

Take some time to inspect the exterior of your house. You’re looking for any potential entry point. It may be a small opening that seems harmless or something larger. Particularly, pay attention to cracks, openings around wiring or pipes, and garage and other doors providing access to interior areas.

If you find anywhere that a mouse could potentially enter, be sure to block it. A mouse only needs an opening the size of a dime to enter your home. When inspecting upstairs, be sure to check the roof. Trim any tree limbs that are hanging over the house.

Once you inspect your home and identify conditions that mice find attractive, it is time to call the local Orkin Branch Office.

An Orkin Pest Specialist will come to your home and conduct a thorough inspection inside and outside. When the assessment is complete, the Orkin Pest Specialist will make recommendations to assist you in resolving any entry point or condition you may have missed. Your Orkin Pest Specialist will then develop a customized treatment plan backed by science that best fits your needs.

More information on mouse problems.

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