How to Use Mouse Bait Stations

Deer Mouse Illustration

Removing Mice from Homes

In an effort to rid their houses of rodents, many homeowners use mouse bait stations as a first line of defense. These devices include a plastic container that protects the mouse bait inside from moisture and dust while allowing rodents to enter and feed.

Why Mouse Baits May Not Work

While this control method can thin a rodent population, it usually won't remove all mice from the area. Rodents often avoid a mouse bait station if they dislike the taste, scent, or placement of the bait and bait station.

Where to Place Mouse Bait Stations

For best results, put mouse bait traps wherever the pests' droppings appear, areas where they are seen and locations where their rub marks and damage to stored food products occurs. This includes attics, basements, storage areas, under sinks, and crawl spaces. Some mouse bait stations can withstand outdoor conditions, while others cannot. Be sure to check the product details before placing stations or bait on the ground, other surfaces or near moisture.

Using Snap Traps

When mice enter living rooms and kitchens, a snap trap with mouse bait can be a good solution. Mousetraps behind bookshelves and media centers may also stop the pests from soiling these hard-to-reach areas. In kitchens, lay traps behind the stove, refrigerator, and microwave.

Types of Mouse Lures that “Bait” and Attract Mice

Food as Bait

Bait stations rely on compounds called rodenticides to control mice. On the other hand, to draw the pests to traps, homeowners may use common pantry items. Sweet or fatty foods are favorites of these rodents, so peanut butter, soft cheese, or wet cat food often work well. In general, a small amount of a sticky bait is most likely to make a mouse trigger the trap.

Nesting Materials as Bait

Another attractant that works very well to lure mice to a snap trap is a rolled up small wad of string or cotton. The string or cotton takes advantage of the mouse’s natural tendency to gather items to use as nesting material.

Specialty Baits

If homeowners are having a challenging time getting mice to go to snap traps or baits, a commercially available, specialty rodent attractant product formulated to attract mice may be useful.

Safety First

Poison mouse bait often contains food-based chemicals that are dangerous for children, pets, and non-target wildlife. Use mouse bait stations only in areas that small hands or paws can't reach. Other types of traps may be a better option for homes with kids and dogs or cats.

Solving the Problem

Mice are curious animals, so mouse bait stations are useful tools for reducing populations. However, rodents breed rapidly, and a few mouse bait stations or traps are no match for an infestation. To restore peace of mind, call Orkin for help with rodent pests.

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