Mouse Diet and Habitat Facts

House mice are omnivorous but prefer to consume grains, fruits and seeds. Consequently, they may cause severe damage to crops and domestic gardens. Although it is commonly believed that mice are attracted to cheese, they tend to prefer foods that are higher in carbohydrates.

Chocolate may be more effective attractant for mice than cheese. However, house mice are indiscriminate and will consume any food source available to them. They commonly disturb trashcans in search of food and are capable of surviving for long periods with very little food.

In times of starvation, mice have even been known to exhibit cannibalistic behavior. Females may consume their offspring, and some mice may consume their own tails. However, this behavior is generally only exhibited when under duress.

Mice may also gnaw on other, seemingly inedible materials. Electrical wiring, cardboard boxes, paper and other household items may exhibit chew marks. However, this destruction is caused as a result of the mouse's nesting habits. Mice live and breed in dark areas that are typically inaccessible to humans. They build their nests from found objects.

Mouse Anatomy

Mouse Feces

Mouse Home Infestation

Differences Between Rats and Mice

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