There are bugs in my bathroom sink with many legs

Question: I keep seeing these bugs in my bathroom, particularly around my sink. They have a lot of legs, are long, and move pretty fast. Can you tell me what kind of bug this is and possibly how to take care of the problem?

Answer: Without a specimen, all I can do is guess from your description. I think that you have a house centipede (Scutigera coleoptrata). They vary in size and color (from light brown to pale brown). They have many long legs and move quickly, but they are usually harmless. They prey on insects and spiders.

The issue in this case is why are they in your home? As predators, there must be food sources available for them. The best way to proceed is to contact a highly trained Orkin Pest Specialist who can conduct an inspection of your home. After a thorough inspection, they can devise a customized treatment plan to control the centipedes and the food they are preying on.

picture Centipede Crawling

Read more about house centipede problems in the home and centipede control.

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