Do Ants Eat Termites?

Ants Eating Termite Larvae

Ants Eating Termite Larvae

What Eats Termites?

Termites face many predators in nature, and one of the most notable is the ant. Ants eat termites for a variety of reasons. Termites make great meals for ants because the they provide plenty of protein. Some of the more important motives have to do with reducing competition for resources.

Ants vs. Termites

Ants and termites require similar living habitats, making them natural competitors. Many species of both pests build nests underground. Like termites, carpenter ants also excavate wood. When ants eat termites, they benefit since they're removing potential rivals for prime nesting sites.

How Do Ants Eat Termites?

Predator ants raid termite colonies and return home with their prey. Ants can't digest termites on their own, so they feed them to their larvae first. Once the ant larvae break down a termite's carcass, workers and queens are able to consume the insects.

Infestation Problems

Activity from either species in a home can result in costly damages. Termites harm houses by eating wood, while carpenter ants burrow into wood to create space for their colonies. The best way to take care of termite or ant infestations is through regular inspection, exclusion and control procedures.

Getting Rid of Termites or Ants

Homeowners experiencing problems should seal foundation cracks and holes to keep either pest from coming inside. Make sure wood supports on decks or porches don't contact soil, and check that there is no excess moisture in the house. Since termite and ant control often depends upon the use of insecticides, pest control services from Orkin may be necessary to combat an infestation.

Don’t let termites eat through your home, schedule a free termite inspection with Orkin today.

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