Orkin’s Top Five Mosquito Facts

Just as temperatures are beginning to climb, pest control leader Orkin reports that customer calls about mosquitoes have increased. Last year had the highest number of West Nile Virus disease cases reported since 2003, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC also reported 80 percent of the 5,387 total cases were from 13 states. The experts at Orkin, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Rollins Inc. (NYSE: ROL), have listed five mosquito facts to help protect you and your family.

1. Even though you do not necessarily see standing water around your property, there could still be a variety of places where mosquitoes can breed.

There are probably several unexpected mosquito breeding areas around your property. Besides emptying water out of flower pots, bird baths and old tires, make sure to clean gutters and downspouts regularly or cover with mesh to prevent leaves and debris from collecting and holding water. Children’s toys and playground equipment can have small crevices where water can collect. A few other odd places where water can collect include your car, landscape statues, rain gauge, garden hoses and even large plant leaves. If a full plastic garbage bag sits in the rain, it can develop a small pocket where water can collect. Remember, it only takes about a cup of water for mosquitoes to breed. Just because your yard may be free of standing water, it does not mean your neighbor’s yard is too.

2. The typical mosquito season runs from April through October.

Mosquito season can start as early as April, depending on which area of the country you are. Breeding season is usually July through September, while peak West Nile Virus season is usually not until late August through early September or even October in some areas. Temperatures need to be around freezing before mosquitoes will start to die off for the winter.

3. Mosquitoes typically lay their eggs in water, but eggs can survive in wet dirt.

Most mosquito species prefer to lay eggs at the edge of water bodies against mulch, grass, foliage or refuse that will hold the eggs at the surface of the water. If the water evaporates – or you pour it out – before the eggs develop, which usually takes about seven to 10 days, the eggs will not develop completely into adults, and they will die. If water is not present but the ground is moist, those eggs can sit for months until there is enough water to float the eggs to develop and feed the larva.

4. There is no telling what this year’s mosquito population will be or how severe the nation’s West Nile Virus outbreak will get.

Winter of 2012 was abnormally mild, and, along with last summer’s record-breaking temperatures across some areas of the country, mosquitoes were able to thrive. This past winter saw more seasonal temperatures, depending on which area of the country you reside. Other factors to take into consideration are droughts and hurricanes. Even a little bit of water from a thunderstorm, washing your car or watering your lawn can be enough to encourage mosquito breeding. Strong winds from hurricanes can displace mosquitoes, including those that carry West Nile Virus. The virus is carried in and transmitted by birds, and wind can also move birds to different areas.

5. Most mosquito species are only active during dusk and dawn.

There are more than 3,000 mosquito species throughout the world, and about 200 of those exist in North America. Prime mosquito biting hours are between dusk and dawn, but some species are active during the day.

Orkin experts also recommend people take the following precautions to protect themselves:

  • Wear EPA-approved insect repellent along with long sleeve shirts and long pants.

  • Stay indoors during dusk and dawn and an hour before and after dusk and dawn.

  • Protect your yard; call a professional pest control company for a customized mosquito inspection and treatment program.

  • Replace outdoor light bulbs with yellow bulbs that are less attractive to mosquitoes.

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