Orkin Reveals Financial Impact of Bed Bug Infestations in Hotels

Study shows each incident can cost as much as $23,560

ATLANTA (August 08, 2017) – A new study from pest control leader Orkin finds that eight of 10 hotels have dealt with bed bugs in the past year, and 40 percent have treated for bed bugs in the past month. In addition to revealing that bed bugs are not a rare occurrence in hotels, the study also uncovered the average cost of bed bug remediation.

Orkin partnered with The Bantam Group, a market research firm, to survey hoteliers nationwide to discover the impact of bed bugs on a hotel’s bottom line. Hotels spend on average $6,383 per bed bug incident. This cost includes the replacement of soft-goods, treatment and lost business.

The report also shows that almost half of all hotels have been the subject of litigation because of bed bugs, which according to our research costs, on average, $17,177 per incident. All in, that could be as high as $23,560 for litigation and remediation costs – not a small concern for a single bed bug incident. The study also found that respondents on average treated for bed bugs 7.1 times every five years, making the cost of bed bugs as high as $167,276 assuming all incidents involve remediation and result in litigation.

“Bed bugs have long been a business concern for hotels, but this research helps hospitality professionals quantify the costs associated with bed bugs and benchmark what they’re spending on remediation versus their peers,” said Dr. Mark Beavers, Orkin entomologist and managing director of technical services. “It’s important for hoteliers to understand that bed bug introductions are not a rare occurrence nor are they caused by poor housekeeping or cleanliness practices. Unfortunately, the introduction of bed bugs is beyond a hotelier’s control because they often are brought in by hotel guests, no matter the hotel’s level of luxury. As we continue to find ways to combat bed bugs, hoteliers need to learn their risks, how to spot them and how to proactively fight against infestations.”

Hoteliers are aware of the risks associated with bed bugs, the research shows, with two-thirds worried as much or more than they were five years ago. While there’s little hoteliers can do to keep bed bugs from getting in, they can take proactive steps to help prevent the spread of bed bugs. According to the research, 82 percent of hotels say it’s less expensive to prevent than to treat bed bug issues.

In response to the overwhelming financial impact and frequency of bed bug incidents, Orkin developed a proactive solution for hotels called Orkin Bed Bug ProAct™. During the service, a bed bug specialist will use proven treatment protocols to create an ongoing bed bug defense in all guest rooms. This will include targeted treatment of cracks and crevices, where bed bugs tend to hide. This proactive service can help stop an introduction from growing into an infestation, helping to make the cost of bed bugs more predictable. For more information on the Orkin Bed Bug ProAct™ service, visit the website here.

About Orkin, LLC

Founded in 1901, Atlanta-based Orkin is an industry leader in essential pest control services and protection against termite damage, rodents and insects. The company operates more than 400 locations with nearly 8,000 employees. Using a proprietary, three-step approach, Orkin provides customized services to approximately 1.7 million homeowners and businesses in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Europe, South America, Central America, the Middle East, the Caribbean, Asia, the Mediterranean and Africa. Orkin is committed to studying pest biology and applying scientifically proven methods. The company collaborates with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and eight major universities to conduct research and help educate consumers and businesses on pest-related health threats. Learn more about Orkin at Orkin.com. Orkin is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Rollins Inc. (NYSE: ROL). Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

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