Physical Termite Barriers

Termite barrier systems are designed to help keep termites out of your home by reducing entry points or using products to control active termite colonies. Some termite barriers are installed during the pre-construction process, while others can be used in post-construction.

Termite barriers come in a wide variety of forms. Physical, non-chemical barriers include sand and basaltic particle barriers, as well as stainless steel mesh barriers. Chemical versions include soil treatments and plastic barriers that are treated with termiticide.

Termite Barrier System Protection

Physical, non-chemical termite barriers are designed to prevent termites from accessing specific areas of the home where they might try to enter undetected, or at least force them to make their activity more visible. Since termites can enter cracks as small as 1/32 inch (the width of a business card), continued monitoring and professional inspections are still essential to detect activity as soon as possible.

Soil treatments with termiticides provide effective control of current and future colonies, when applied properly. To ensure the effectiveness of your treatment, ask your termite professional to explain what activities might affect the product's concentration. For example, how would landscaping activities affect the protection and how long is the termiticide active?

Termite Barrier System Costs

The cost of a termite barrier system depends on several factors, including:

  • the type of barrier chosen (physical or chemical treatment and the materials used for each),

  • the size of the treatment area,

  • whether your home is pre- or post-construction and

  • signs of past or current termite infestations.

If you are building a new home, you should consult with a termite expert to understand all of your termite prevention options. There are a number of termite prevention products that can be built into a home that is under construction.

Termite Control

How do you know if you have termites?

Learn the signs to look for to determine if you might have a termite infestation.

Why should you be worried?

Termites cost Americans more than $5 billion in damage each year and most insurance plans don’t cover the damage.

Schedule a FREE termite inspection

We’ll determine whether you actually have termites, then discuss a treatment plan including financing that works for you.

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