Buying a Home with Termite Damage

Buying a home is a major investment. Before the deal is finalized, most prospective buyers want to understand the condition of the home. Purchasing a termite inspection is an important way to understand whether the home has evidence of current or past infestation and damage.

The inspection reports conditions on the day of the inspection and reports conditions which were visible during the inspection. If infestation or damage is found, the buyer should obtain estimates for treatment and repair. These costs may be negotiated with the seller.

Some buyers find it shocking that brick or masonry homes have termite infestation or damage. Even these homes have wooden components including framing and flooring as well as furniture. Brick houses are not termite proof.

Newer homes may also be susceptible to infestation and damage. Termites will infest wood of newly built homes just as readily as older homes. If considering the purchase of a newly constructed home, ask the seller whether home has received a termite pretreatment. Newer foundations may be built with termite-resistant wood or may be treated to prevent infestation.

Buyers can also ask for infestation history of the home. Some states require sellers to disclose history of termite infestation and damage. Termite warranties may also transfer with the house, providing buyers peace of mind.

An inspection is a small investment which will give the buyer good information as to visible conditions related to termite infestation and damage. Real estate agents should suggest an inspection in areas prone to termite infestation.

Termites Window Sill Damage

Termites Window Sill Damage

Related: Ask Orkin

Question: I am considering purchasing a home that reportedly has $4000 worth of termite damage. What I would like to know is, how common is it for termites to return once treated? Is this a red flag to not buy this house? How common of a problem are termites? If I have an Orkin Pro come to my house, will he or she be able to give an accurate estimate of the amount of structural damage already done? Thank you so much.

Answer: Modern termiticides can solve the existing problem, so there is no reason not to buy the house. Orkin can inspect the house and determine the extent of the infestation and damage, but cannot determine the level of structural damage.

Termite Control

How do you know if you have termites?

Learn the signs to look for to determine if you might have a termite infestation.

Why should you be worried?

Termites cost Americans more than $5 billion in damage each year and most insurance plans don’t cover the damage.

Schedule a FREE termite inspection

We’ll determine whether you actually have termites, then discuss a treatment plan including financing that works for you.

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