Drywood Termite Signs

Signs or Symptoms of a Drywood Termite Infestation

It can be difficult to detect a drywood termite infestation because these insects live entirely within the wood on which they feed.

Illustration of Drywood Termite

Illustration of Drywood Termite

Once they have taken up residence in your walls or a piece of furniture, there may be very few visible drywood termite signs. In fact, it can take up to five to seven years for a drywood termite colony to create noticeable damage.


After a drywood termite colony has grown for about four years, the termite queen will release a pheromone to encourage the development of alate termites (also known as flying termites or swarmers). While a swarm often is the most visible sign of a drywood termite infestation, you could easily miss it.

Swarms take place only once or twice a year, and drywood termite colonies produce only 10 - 100 swarmers each, so the size of the swarm can be relatively small.

Drywood Alate

Discarded Wings

Following the swarm, you may find discarded termite wings marking the alates' location. Alate termites lose their wings quickly after they swarm. Finding several same-size wings - especially near a window sill or other light source - can be a sign of a drywood termite infestation.

Drywood Feces

Other drywood termite signs include tiny mounds of termite droppings (called frass).

Drywood Termite Droppings Picture

Drywood Termite Droppings

Bubbling or peeling paint, or a hollow sound when you tap on a wall are further signs of drywood activity. If you need some help to determine whether or not you have activity, call Orkin today for a free termite inspection of your home.

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