Can You See Dust Mites?

Dust Mite Distribution

House dust mites found in the typical urban or suburban home are American house dust mites (Dermatophagoides farina) and European house dust mites (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus.) Both species are very likely to be found in most homes throughout the country.

Although dust mites are frequent occupants of homes, don’t expect to look in the closet or under the bed to see if you can find some of them. These are extremely small critters.

What Do Dust Mites Like?

Dust mite adult females are about 500 microns (0.05 mm or .002 inches) long and not visible without using a microscope. Dust mite males are even smaller.

If one looked at dust mite adults under a microscope, their yellowish, white and brownish coloration and the presence of setae, their stiff bristle-like hairs, would be visible. Dust mite adults have 8 legs, unlike insect adults that have 6 legs, and their body is globular shaped.

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