Biology of Fruit Flies

Close Up of Fruit Fly Feeding

Fruit flies can be commonly found in restaurants, homes, warehouses and food storage or processing plants, as well as grocery stores, wine cellars and anywhere else food is left to ferment and decay. Adult fruit flies typically have red eyes and measure 3 to 4 mm in length. The front of the fruit fly's body is tan or brown in color, while the rear portion has dark bands.

Female and male fruit flies engage in a series of dances prior to mating. The male approaches the female slowly, drumming his feet upon her head. Both flies then drag their feet from side to side while facing one another. Before consummation, the male spreads his wings, twisting the leading edges downward.

Fruit flies breed rapidly. Females are capable of laying an average of 500 eggs, which can pass through the larval and pupal stages to become adults within a matter of days. Fruit flies typically lay their eggs on moist, organic materials or near the surface of fermenting food. After fruit fly larvae emerge from eggs, they feed on the decaying materials in fermenting food.

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