How Do Centipedes Get in the House?

Centipedes, especially the house centipede, frequently enter homes and become a nuisance problem. Other species of centipedes are capable of causing a painful and sometimes deadly “bite.” Therefore, it is extremely important to know how centipedes can gain access into homes.

Centipedes may wander inside a home while searching for a food source, like insects and small spiders. Centipedes try to get inside during the hot and dry months because they are seeking a more hospitable habitat. The most common entry points for centipedes are holes; crack or gaps in the foundation wall; and under or around openings between doorframes and the doors. House centipedes may also enter the home by crawling up through drains and sump pumps. While not frequent, centipedes are sometimes brought inside with articles that were stored or placed in dark and moist areas that provide good habitat for centipedes. Never bring in articles that are stored outdoors without first inspecting those items to ensure you are not introducing centipedes into your home’s interior.

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