Can you get rid of lice?

Question: Can you get rid of lice?

Answer: First of all, this is a medical and not a structural pest control issue. Head lice are often a problem with school-age children and sometimes with adults. They are a natural part of society, however, and should not be the cause for alarm.

Controlling these small pests requires the diligent use of the shampoo material and the small comb that comes with most control ''kits.'' Follow the directions for the length of time the shampoo must remain on the hair, and use the comb to remove the eggs from the base of the hair (use it close to the scalp).

The comb is one of the effective control methods, so it is important that it is used. The comb is there to remove the eggs. The directions on most products indicate that the shampooing will have to be done twice (within about 10 days). The directions also say that in between the shampooing the comb should be used.

It is not necessary to vacuum the area, put the stuffed animals in plastic bags, or to spray insecticide on the carpeting in the house. The lice seldom survive very long if they leave the host. Concentrate the control efforts to the hair and the head.

It is recommended to wash the bedding and towels. Family members are encouraged to avoid sharing towels, hats, combs or similar grooming articles with a person who has head lice. If these measures do not solve the problem, the victim should check with the pharmacist or the family doctor for more options. If unable to control, seek medical advice.

Related Questions

Orkin used the answer above to answer the related questions below (submitted by other users):

Question: Do you guys have a product that will treat a house for lice?

Question: Do you exterminate for lice?

Question: I'm currently preparing a presentation on head lice. I was wondering if you should bomb your house if a member of the family is found to be infested with lice? In one place I read that it isn't recommended, but I'm a little confused. Many topical product information packets recommend practically boiling your clothes to kill the lice.

Answer: Please ... no bombs in the house.

Question: Can people get head lice from mice?

Answer: No, you cannot get lice from mice.

Question: Do you offer furniture and carpet treatment of lice? I run an in-home daycare and one of my students came home from school today with lice.

Answer: Furniture and carpet are not treated for head lice.

Question: Do lice live in the carpet?

Answer: They do not.

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