Brown Dog Ticks in Florida

Brown dog ticks are able to develop entirely indoors. This allows them to thrive in a variety of climates, as cold temperatures do not reach them. However, they are more likely to inhabit warm environments and are prolific in the southern areas of the United States. They can be found in particularly high concentrations in Florida.

Brown dog ticks develop more quickly in warm climates. Unlike tick species that require plants or soil for egg laying, female brown dog ticks are capable of laying thousands of eggs on any surface available to them. The brown dog tick is the species that is most often found in homes.

It is also important to constantly check all house pets for feeding ticks. Brown dog ticks can also be found infesting various outdoor areas. These ticks are carriers and transmitters of diseases such as Rocky Mountain spotted fever. However, they are not known to carry the bacteria responsible for Lyme disease.


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Deer Tick Bite Identification | Lyme Disease and Ticks

Black-Legged/Deer Tick Identification | How to Remove Ticks

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