What are the Biggest Spiders in the World?

World’s Top 5 Largest Spider Species

  1. Giant Huntsman Spider

    • The largest known spider in the world by leg span is the giant huntsman spider, which can be found in Laos. A full-grown giant huntsman adult has a leg span of 12 inches. Giant huntsman spiders do not build a web to catch prey; instead, they hunt for prey. These spiders will bite if disturbed or aggravated.

    • The giant huntsman spider has crablike legs with twisted joints, so they move like a crab and typically live under decaying wood. These spiders are quick movers and can move up to 3 feet per second, plus they have a venomous bite that may require medical intervention.

    • These spiders prefer dark and warm living places; limestone caves create an ideal habitat for them as they can crawl around cave entrances in search of prey. They are fast-moving spiders and excellent hunters, catching insects and other spiders and occasionally even feeding on birds and small rodents. As with other spider species, the female often kills and eats males after mating. Although they produce silk, they do not spin webs to catch food and instead hunt and chase down their prey.

  2. Goliath Birdeater Spider

    • The goliath birdeater spider is the world’s largest spider by mass, weighing about 5-6 ounces. This spider delivers a venomous bite comparable to that of a wasp sting. It has barbed hairs on its body which are a greater threat than its bite since these hairs can lodge in the skin and eyes, producing itching and irritation for days.

    • As its name suggests, this spider can, but rarely eats birds. This spider readily feeds on insects and other arthropods. These spiders live in burrows of the rainforests and swamps of Venezuela, Brazil, and other regions of the Amazon rainforest. Goliath birdeaters do not spin webs but instead use their silk to line their underground burrows.

  3. Brazilian Salmon Pink Birdeater Spider

    • The Brazilian salmon pink birdeater spider lives in Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay. This spider’s body is dark brown with bright salmon-colored hairs on its legs and abdomen. These hairs cause irritation if they come into contact with skin. Brazilian salmon pink birdeater spiders inject venom into their prey, which consists mainly of insects, amphibians, small birds, and reptiles. Although their venom is not poisonous to humans, these spiders have one-inch-long fangs and can deliver a painful, powerful bite if they feel threatened.

  4. Brazilian Giant Tawny Red Tarantula

    • The fourth biggest spider in the world is the Brazilian giant tawny red tarantula, which lives in the scrublands of Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil, and Argentina. The Brazilian giant tawny red tarantula has stinging hairs that pose a hazard to humans and other animals. When disturbed, these spiders will turn toward a threat and throw these hairs at it. These stinging hairs can kill smaller mammals, but the dangers lie in potential eye injury and respiratory harm for humans. This spider is not considered to be venomous since its venom is not fatal or classified as dangerous to humans.

    • Brazilian giant tawny red tarantulas feed on small insects, cockroaches, crickets, mice, small lizards, and frogs. While this spider is not the largest on the planet, it is thought to be the longest-lived spider on Earth.

  5. Face-Size Tarantula

    • The face-size tarantula is the fifth largest spider species in the world and has about an 8-inch leg span. This spider is found in Sri Lanka and India and lives in old-growth forests, old buildings, and decaying wood. Its diet consists of birds, lizards, rodents, and snakes that are often bigger than the spider’s length. This tarantula is quite colorful with daffodil-yellow banding on its legs and a pink band around its body.

What is the largest jumping spider?

The largest of the jumping spider species, Hyllus giganteus, is aptly named the giant jumping spider. This spider is native to Australia and Sumatra and is famously known for its ability to jump up to 8 times its body length. It isn’t unusual for this spider to be nearly one inch long.

What is the largest prehistoric spider fossil ever found?

Scientists unearthed the largest spider fossil ever found in northeastern China. The spider, a new species called Nephila jurassica, stretched about two inches from end to end and had a leg span of about 6 inches.

How to Get Rid of Spiders

Spiders favor living in an environment where they can hide and are typically harmless unless disturbed. The best and most effective way to prevent and get rid of spiders around a home or business is to contact your local Orkin branch for a pest control estimate from one of our expertly trained Orkin Pros.

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