Rat Food Sources

What Do Rats Eat?

Rats are fairly opportunistic feeders. They will feed on a array of items from carcasses to fallen fruit. Human environments provide them an abundance of resources. Particular species of rat may have tendency for certain foods. Norway rats often prefer foods high in protein such as meat scraps or pet food. Roof rats usually prefer fruit, which is why people often refer to them as fruit rats. They may be attracted to areas with fruit tress.

When living near humans, the availability of foods will drive a rodent's habits. They often will travel outdoors and indoors searching for nutrition. They can take advantage of many food sources such as garbage cans, open containers of food, pet food bowls, and they will even cannibalize their own dead. Homeowners should try to eliminate or minimize the abundance of rodent food sources as well as contacting a pest control professional.

Norway Rat on Kitchen Counter

Norway Rat on Kitchen Counter

Rat Behavior

Rat Borne Diseases

Rat Fleas

Rat Habitat

Rat Holes

Rat Identification

Rat Infestation

Rat or Muskrat + Differences

Rat Sense of Smell

Rat Tracks

Rat Varieties

What Does A Rat Look Like?

Enemies and Predators of Rats

Rat Bites

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