Casemaking Clothes Moth Facts & Information

Protect your home or business from casemaking clothes moths by learning techniques for identification and control.

Clothes moth illustration
Tinea pellionella
3/8 to 1/2 inch
Long & narrow wings
Grayish-brown with 3 dark spots


How do I get rid of casemaking clothes moths?

What You Can Do

Controlling and preventing casemaking clothes moth infestations are very similar to what works for webbing clothes moths. Since reducing food sources and favorable habitats are critical to these control pests, control entails cleaning the home to remove food sources. However, as they eat both animal and plant products, removing their food sources may not be possible.

What Orkin Does

Ensure the infestation is taken care of by a professional. Your pest management professional will recommend:

  • Discarding infested food items.

  • Dry cleaning infested fabrics prior to storage.

  • Frequently inspecting clothes closets and storage areas.

  • Regularly disposing of vacuum bags.

  • Storing fabrics in airtight containers.

  • Vacuuming adult and larvae moths.

  • Washing infested fabric or items in hot water.

Your local Orkin Pro is trained to help manage casemaking clothes moths and similar pests. Since every building or home is different, your Orkin Pro will design a unique moth treatment program for your situation.

Orkin can provide the right solution to keep casemaking clothes moths in their place and out of your home or business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Behavior, Diet & Habits

Understanding Casemaking Clothes Moths


  • Size: Their bodies are about 3/8 to 1/2 inches long, while larvae are up to 1/2 inch long.

  • Color: Casemaking clothes moths have brownish-gray wings with three dark spots. These spots can be rubbed off on older moths. Larvae are yellowish in color.

  • Characteristics: Their wings are long and narrow. These moths build cases of silk particles that they drag about wherever they go to feed.


Adult male and female casemaking clothes moths, much like the webbing clothes moth, prefer to stay close to their source of food. These pests commonly feed on:

  • Carpet

  • Fur

  • Furniture

  • Hemp

  • Silk

  • Tea

  • Tobacco

  • Wool

Fabric Moths vs. Food Storage Moths

Homeowners often confuse fabric moths, such as the casemaking clothes moth, with food storage moths. Unlike most other species, casemaking clothes moths are not strong fliers and light does not attract them to living spaces. If the homeowner sees moths flying around lights or in well lit rooms, it is more likely to be food-infesting rather than a fabric moth.

While the casemaking clothes moth is less common, and far less economically important, than the webbing clothes moth, they can be a difficult insect to control in storage facilities.

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