Dragonfly Facts & Information

Protect your home or business from dragonflies by learning techniques for identification and control.

Dragonfly illustration
Order Odonata

Dragonfly Pest Treatment

How To Get Rid Of Dragonflies

What You Can Do About Dragonflies

Dragonflies are not considered a dangerous or aggressive insect towards humans but can be a nuisance when there is an infestation. They are known to be "beneficial insects" in that they eat other insects that may harm your vegetables or garden as well as eating mosquitoes. You can help get rid of dragonflies by removing standing water and also by eliminating other bugs they eat around your home.

Does Orkin treat for dragonflies?

Your local Orkin Pro is trained to help manage dragonflies and similar pests. Since every building or home is different, your Orkin Pro will design a unique program for your situation.

Orkin can provide the right solution to keep dragonflies in their place…out of your home, or business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Behavior, Diet & Habits

Understanding Dragonflies

What do dragonflies look like?

Adult dragonflies have two pair of wings. The back, or hind, wings are slightly larger at the base than the front wings. Dragonflies do not fold their wings when they land. Their wings extend from their body even when they are resting.

What do dragonflies eat?

Adult dragonflies may eat:

How long do dragonflies live?

Dragonflies live on average about 6 months, starting off as an egg and dying as an adult. Some dragonflies will live for several years as aquatic larvae and then become adults for only a few months.

What is a dragonflies life cycle?

Adult dragonflies deposit their eggs in water or on aquatic plants. When the eggs hatch, the immature dragonflies, called naiads, live in the water.


The naiads have gills in their abdomen so they can breathe under water. They also use the gills for a form of "jet propulsion," so they can move around in the water. Naiads eat mosquito larvae and other aquatic insects. Large naiads can even eat tadpoles and small fish.

When it is time for the naiad to change into an adult dragonfly, it crawls out of the water. Its skin splits and the adult emerges. This process takes several hours, and it usually happens at night.


After their wings are dry, the adult dragonflies fly away to find food. They return to the water to mate and lay eggs. The male dragonflies hover over the water and are often territorial about the breeding site.

More Information on Dragonflies

Dragonflies are large flying insects. They have been on earth for many years. Fossil records suggest that dragonflies in the Jurassic period may have been much larger than modern dragonflies. Dragonflies are members of the insect order Odonata. There are several species in the United States.

Most dragonflies can be considered beneficial. Some people call them "mosquito hawks" because they eat mosquitoes.

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