How Does Cockroach Gel Work?

How Do Cockroach Gel Baits Work?

Cockroach gel baits are available with a variety of insecticide formulations that control these pests. The method works by enticing the pests to eat gel bait, which it thinks is a source of food, so it consumes the insecticide contained within.


The typical way to apply gel baits for cockroaches involves placing small dots of bait into cracks and around other places where they are located. These pests are attracted to locations where their feces, shed skins, or the insects themselves are found, all of which are good indications of an infested area.

Problems with Cockroach Gel Bait


Gel for cockroaches doesn’t always work as intended. These insects can be specific about the kinds of bait they like and may show an aversion to certain products. Often, the result is that they don’t consume the bait and infestations continue to grow. Also, gel baits are ineffective if applied in places where the pests will not locate the bait.

Time Commitment

Cockroach gel baits dry out over time. This makes them unappealing to pests, so removing the old bait and reapplication of the new, fresh bait is required. However, as time goes by consistent use of one kind of gel bait may also lead roaches to begin avoiding baits if the pests are feeding on sources of food that out-compete the gel baits.

Health Hazards

The ingredients in cockroach gel can be harmful to children and pets if ingested. This makes proper application and placement vital for safe use.


Cleaning up spilled foods and food debris, as well as accumulations of grease and moisture buildups are good steps to slow the growth of a roach problem. For serious infestations, professional pest control is the best option. Orkin experts can decide the right course of action to get rid of cockroaches safely.

More Information

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How Long Does it Take to Get Rid of Cockroaches?

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