Larder Beetle Facts & Information

Protect your home or business from larder beetles by learning techniques for identification and control.

Larder Beetle Illustration
Dermestes lardarius (L.)
7 to 9 mm
Large & oval
Black with yellow band & dark spots


How do I get rid of larder beetles?

What You Can Do

Controlling larder beetles requires thorough inspection and cleaning. The objective is to find the source of the infestation and remove anything infested. Some control and prevention measures include:

  • Inspection: Check for infested fur or animal trophies. Examine garages and storage rooms for infested pet food or animal feed. It's also a good idea to inspect bird or animal nests in attics, wall voids, and crawlspaces.

  • Sanitation: Discard any infested packages found in kitchen cabinets or pantries and vacuum empty shelves.

  • Storage practices: Store food products in sealed containers.

What Orkin Does

Inspection and cleaning are critical parts in solving most larder beetle infestations. Insecticide is used for eliminating any beetles that are changing into adults. The insecticide will be effective if it is applied into the cracks and crevices at the back of the shelves and behind the baseboard. To avoid misapplication or misidentification, it is preferable to call your local pest control professional.

Orkin can provide the right solution to keep larder beetles in their place and out of your home or business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Behavior, Diet & Habits

Understanding Larder Beetles


  • Body: The larder beetle is a large oval insect. Adults are about 7 to 9 mm long.

  • Color: They are usually black with a yellow band across the wing covers. There are several dark spots in the yellow area.

  • Characteristics: They are a pest of cured meat and other stored food products. It is a member of the beetle group called dermestid beetles.


When they invade a home, larder beetles move into dark areas where they can find food. They prefer to feed on:

  • Cheese

  • Dead insects

  • Dry pet food

  • Feathers

  • Horns

  • Skin

  • Stored meat


Larder beetle populations increase rapidly, as females lay over 100 eggs at a time. These beetles lay eggs in the spring and summer. When the eggs hatch, the larvae burrow into nearby food material. The larvae mature to pupae and then adults in two or three months.

When they change into adults, the larvae leave the food and burrow into a solid material. Then, they make a small chamber and seal themselves inside.

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