Angoumois Grain Moth Facts & Information

Protect your home or business from angoumois grain moths by learning techniques for identification and control.

Image coming soon
Sitrotroga cerealella
3/16 inch wingspan
Yellowish color


How do I get rid of angoumois grain moths?

What You Can Do

Angoumois grain moth prevention and control starts with a careful inspection to identify infested products. It is important to routinely check the walls and ceiling for the presence of larvae and pupae including:

  • Disposing of products that are infested.

  • Removing holiday decorations such as Indian corn or similar items.

What Orkin Does

Your local Orkin Pro is trained to help manage Angoumis grain moths and similar pests. Since every building or home is different, your Orkin Pro will design a unique moth treatment program for your situation.

Orkin can provide the right solution to keep Angoumois grain moths in their place and out of your home or business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Behavior, Diet & Habits

Understanding Angoumois Grain Moths


  • Size: They are small in size with a front wingspan about 3/16 inches. Full-grown larvae are about 1/8 inches long.

  • Color: They are yellowish in color. Full-grown larvae are usually yellowish-white with a yellowish-brown head.

  • Characteristics: A very important distinguishing characteristic is a narrow projection that extends from the tip of their hind wing.

Angoumois Grain Moth


Adult moths do not feed on grains. Larvae feed on:

  • Corn kernels

  • Grains

  • Seeds

  • Wheat


When found in homes, common places for these pests include:

  • Popcorn

  • Decorative ears of corn.

  • Decorative boxes of seeds.

Life Cycle

The complete life cycle (egg to adult) can be completed in as little time as five weeks.

  1. Egg: Eggs are laid on or near grain either in the field or during storage.

  2. Larval: Larvae then penetrate the kernel and continue to feed until mature, while creating and enlarging a cavity within the kernel.

  3. Pupal: When mature, the larvae eats a channel to the outside of the seed and spins a silken cocoon.

  4. Adult: They then pupate within the kernel and emerge as an adult moth.

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