Cockroaches in Florida
Florida Roach Species
If you live in Florida long enough, you'll likely hear someone talk about palmetto bugs. This usually refers to any large cockroaches, but the true palmetto bug is actually the Florida woods roach.
There are many species of cockroaches found in Florida, but generally these species can be grouped into two categories: those that typically survive and reproduce outdoors and those that do so indoors. The outdoor group includes:
American Cockroach
Smokybrown Cockroach
Florida Woods Cockroach
Learn More about Florida Wood Cockroaches
Australian Cockroach
Learn More about Australian Cockroaches
Brown Cockroach
These outside roaches are usually found in mulch, tree holes, leaf litter, and moist areas located under vegetation.
Outdoor vs Indoor
The indoor cockroaches are generally considered to be more troublesome for homeowners and business owners. This group includes:
German Cockroach
Brown-Banded Cockroach
Asian Cockroach
Learn More about Asian Cockroaches
Although these roaches may be found outdoors, they create problems when they migrate or are carried indoors. While the Asian cockroach readily enters indoor environments since it is strongly attracted to lights, it does not survive very long inside.
Cockroaches are not just a nuisance for FL residents. Should roaches move inside, they can spread disease organisms as they move around homes and businesses looking for shelter, water, and food.
Additionally, cockroach feces, shed skins, and body parts become allergens that can cause mild to severe rashes, other allergic reactions, and extreme asthma attacks.