Treybrooke Apartments

Treybrooke Apartments is a family-owned property sitting on 85 acres in Greenville, North Carolina. Its many amenities, including as two pools, hot tub, sand volleyball court and 24-hour fi tness center, can attract more than potential residents; they also create an inviting environment for unique pest pressures. Orkin services all 19 buildings, 456 units and the surrounding property to protect its residents from pests. To learn more about the success of their Integrated Pest Management program, we spoke with property manager Kacie Layton. Following is an edited transcription of that interview.

Why did you choose Orkin?

Two years ago, we were unhappy with our current pest management provider. We were spending more money only to have our problems go unresolved. Now we have Orkin and get both a well-known company and the satisfaction that the job is done right.

Describe the pest management program Orkin has implemented at your property.

We can’t say enough about Orkin and our Pest Specialist who comes out each week to service our entire property. They’ve taught us the value of preventative measures to maintain our property and prevent any type of infestation.

Orkin works hand-in-hand with our maintenance and landscaping team to ensure ‘critters’ are sealed out. One example is when our Pest Specialist noticed a seasonal issue with millipedes. They appeared in the mulch around our buildings after it rained. The teams worked together to determine where the millipedes were coming from, how to keep them from getting inside someone’s home, and how to prevent them in the future.

What results have you seen from Orkin?

We saw results immediately with Orkin. Our property was once surrounded by forested land, but when construction started on both sides of us, Orkin predicted that the displaced mice would try to seek shelter in our apartments.

We were able to avoid a crisis with unhappy residents thanks to Orkin setting up traps to catch mice. Treybrooke Apartments has been a well-established community for the past 15 years and remains a premiere place to live. Typically with age comes increased pest pressures, but luckily with Orkin, we are well taken care of.

How does Orkin work with your residents?

We trust Orkin to speak directly with our residents and educate them on the best practices in pest management. If any resident wants to speak with our Pest Specialist, he will come meet them and is always fl exible with their schedule. When any new resident moves in, we are sure to tell them about our pest management partnership and encourage them to contact us immediately for any pest issues, even a single pest sighting!

What aspect of Orkin’s service is most important to you?

The communication aspect of Orkin’s service is truly valued here as Orkin has built a relationship with the leasing and management staff and our residents. No matter who they are speaking to, Orkin explains everything in an informative and tactful manner. They make us feel like we’re in this together, and our teamwork is a very effective way to approach pest management.

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Eliminate pests and prevent future problems.

We are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
