Sanitation and Storage Best Practices: Test Your Knowledge

Washing Hands In Sink 2

Proper sanitation and storage practices are crucial to food safety and effective pest management. These are preventive controls that are essential to your food safety plan – learn more about what should be included by downloading our free Food Safety Modernization Act Special Report. Failing in either of these areas can have a negative domino effect on your business.

That’s why we created a 15-question quiz to help you determine if you’re a sanitation and storage guru, or if you and your staff still need additional training. Download the full Sanitation and Storage quiz for the answers.

Here’s just a sample of the sanitation and storage challenge:

1. True or False: Supplies should be stored in their cardboard shipping containers to help keep pests away from contents?

2. When keeping inventory of stored products, which system is better for preventing pest infestations?

  • LIFO (Last In, First Out)

  • FIFO (First In, First Out)?

3. Ants are a constant threat to the sanitation and safety of almost any commercial building. They travel long distances in search of food and usually travel in masses. Do you know which season are ants most active?

4. Which of the following materials, if installed around the exterior of the building, help deter pests?

  • Gravel

  • Woodchips

  • Pine straw

  • Cement

5. What is the minimum length of time an employee should scrub his/her hands with soap and water to eliminate most microbes?

Are you doing everything you can to deter pests?

Take our Sanitation and Storage Quiz to find out, and also download our free Food Safety Modernization Act Special Report for more food safety best practices.

10 frequently asked questions about FSMA. Are you compliant? We've got what you need to know about the Food Safety Modernization Act in the Special Report below. Download special report now.

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