Orkin Canine Inspections: How Bed Bug Sniffing Dogs Help Businesses Battle Infestations

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Even the thought of a bed bug infestation can cause anxiety for businesses. These parasitic insects are tiny and flat — making them excellent at hiding and avoiding detection ­— and can cause annoying, itchy bites, since they feed solely off of the blood of animals and people. Bed bugs often find their way into cracks, crevices, fabric seams and small gaps, so it is hard to know the full scope of the problem through a visual inspection alone.

Beyond traditional bed bug prevention methods, Orkin’s canine units of trained bed bug sniffing dogs are able to quickly and accurately detect bed bugs — helping your Orkin Pro™ prevent and address infestations on your property. Read on to learn how man’s best friend can act as bed bug defense for your business.

Bed Bug Threats in Commercial Facilities

Bed bugs are primarily attracted to areas where people sleep. In the 1990s, there was a resurgence of bed bugs across the U.S., mostly inside hotels and motels. While bed bug services slowed in 2020, experts believe bed bug infestations are on the rise again due to an increase in travel on trips that were postponed during the height of the pandemic. Now, their presence is no longer solely a problem for the hospitality industry alone. U.S. pest control providers have reported treating bed bugs in multifamily dwellings, hotels, hospitals, senior living centers, schools, office buildings, dorms, hospitals and in even public transportation.

Canine Bed Bug Inspections Help Find Infestations Earlier and Faster

The success of a bed bug treatment often depends on how soon the problem is identified and how severe the infestation has become. Bed bug sniffing dogs — handled and trained by Orkin Pros — can detect the scent of bed bugs at all points in their lifecycle (including bed bug eggs, live bed bugs and dead bed bugs) to help identify and treat infestations.

Canine Bed Bug Inspection Accuracy

The accuracy of bed bug inspection dogs often comes down to the quality of training. Our canines and their human teammates undergo a rigorous six- to eight-week training program and are certified by a third-party body. While some breeds tend to be better than others, our selection process relies on dogs who demonstrate an inherent drive to get the job done. In fact, our canines are faster, more efficient and more accurate than human inspections alone.

How Bed Bug Canine Inspections Work

  1. Your facility or building will be cleared so the specially trained canines can thoroughly inspect all of the places where bed bugs could be hiding.

  2. The bed bug sniffing dogs will use their strong sense of smell to identify problems in places humans might not even be able to see.

  3. If the canine alerts to a bed bug presence, your Orkin Pro will also inspect to confirm the presence of bed bugs.

  4. You will be given a full snapshot of the findings, so you can learn the extent of the problem on your property.

  5. If you opt for bed bug treatment, the affected area will be quarantined and prepared for the greatest chance of success.

Be sure to reference our pre-treatment bed bug checklists for your workplace. Orkin Pros will then create a tailored plan to treat the infestation both now and in the future. Regular monitoring can help provide reassurance that the problem won’t return.

Bed Bug Sniffing Dogs Cost

The cost of bed bug inspections can vary depending on the size and extent of the infestation. Contact your Orkin Pro or local Orkin branch for more information.

Are bed bug sniffing dogs available near me?

Orkin canine bed bug inspections are not available in all markets. Please check with your local Orkin branch to determine available services in your area.

Schedule Your Bed Bug Inspection

The presence of bed bugs can harm your employees and customers, bring your business to a standstill and damage your reputation among customers and the community. If you think you might have a bed bug problem, let our Orkin Pros inspect, treat and monitor your property for greater confidence against these problematic pests. Along with canine inspections, Orkin has a variety of commercial bed bug services to fit the needs of your business. And with Orkin Bed Bug ProAct® for Hospitality, our well-trained Pros put a defense in place before bed bugs have a chance to check in.

Learn more about our commercial bed bug services or schedule a free inspection today.

Headline: Help sniff out bed bug infestations  Subhead: Learn more about Orkin's bed bug dogs & other services CTA: Schedule a Free Inspection

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