3 Pest Hiding Places Around Manufacturing Equipment

“Out of sight, out of mind.” While this may be your favorite way to approach decluttering your living room at home, it definitely isn’t the way to address Integrated Pest Management (IPM) at your facility. While some pest hot spots may seem obvious, there are several lesser-known hiding places that pests love to scope out in your building (make sure you cover them all by downloading our preventive maintenance schedule).

The equipment in your building is essential to keep your facility running smoothly. From larger equipment on the main floor to appliances in the break room, pests love these machines—especially if they’re warm and producing condensation.

When conducting a routine sweep of your facility, make sure to check these hard-to-reach areas around equipment for pests:


Debris that collects under machinery can provide shelter for curious pests. Pay attention to ensure there is no buildup of debris under your equipment.


Use a flashlight to shine a light on pests that have found the dark side—behind your facility’s equipment, that is. In addition to debris build-up, the small amount of space behind machinery provides plenty of shelter for pests.


Areas that seem like a tight squeeze to a person are ideal hiding spots for pests that have the ability to fit into small spaces.

Checking high-traffic areas often proves to be a great start to spotting potential pest problems. The best way to proactively help prevent pests from settling down in your facility, however, is to be diligent and check even the smallest hiding places.

Work with a pest management professional to identify these areas, and download our preventive maintenance schedule to learn more about how to keep pests out of your facility.

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