A Pro's Take: Keys to Successful Pest Management in Health Care

As an Orkin Commercial pest management professional, Brandon Smith has serviced clients in the food service, food processing and health care industries since 2004. Based in Portland, Ore., Brandon currently dedicates a majority of his time to a number of Orkin clients in the health care industry.

At a recent conference for the Association for the Healthcare Environment (AHE), several environmental services (EVS) professionals expressed their satisfaction with the quality and professionalism Brandon brings to his work at their facilities. We caught up with Brandon to talk to him about the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs he implements for his health care clients and what makes these relationships successful.

What makes a successful pest management partnership?

Open, frequent communication with my clients has been integral to the success of our partnerships. I make sure to always ask about any new issues, concerns or potential problems that may need to be addressed. Talking to members on the EVS staff is the most insightful task I perform when I make a visit. They are as much a part of the partnership as I am, and I always want to make sure their concerns are heard and addressed.

What is particularly important when servicing a health care facility?

I have a checklist for each of my health care facilities based on the unique issues each one faces. There is no such thing as a cookie-cutter IPM plan, and it is important to locate and understand where a particular facility may face pest issues.Following the overall plan, while also focusing on the little things, allows for constant updates and adjustments. Also, by checking in with the staff members frequently, I’m able to evolve the IPM plan to address the most current and pressing areas of concern as well.

Thorough documentation is fundamental for providing thorough service. Document everything: new tactics, effectiveness of implemented practices, concerns and issues from the client. The bottom line for all industries is to minimize pest activity – and health care is no different.

How have Orkin’s training programs helped your collaboration with health care facilities?

It’s so important to study entomology and understand codes, regulations and issues in health care and other industries. Orkin provides its Pros with a variety of opportunities for continuous training to remain up-to-date with new issues, topics and techniques to provide the best service to our clients.

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