How Do American Cockroaches Mate?

Courtship Rituals

American cockroaches engage in courtship rituals before mating. Females begin courtship by raising their wings, exposing their integral membranes, expanding their genital chambers and releasing a pheromone that attracts males. This stance is referred to as the calling position.


Attracted males approach females and flap their wings to denote interest. Reproduction commences when a male cockroach backs into a female cockroach, depositing sperm.

American Cockroach

American Cockroach

Laying Eggs

After fertilization, a female American cockroach produces an egg case known as an ootheca. The female carries the ootheca on her abdomen for a short time, usually a day or two. After that, she deposits it in a warm humid location.

American Cockroach Nymphs

Nymphs emerge within 38 days and complete their development within six to 12+ months. The life span of the American cockroach ranges from one to 1.5 years.

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