Does Rubbing Alcohol Get Rid of Bed Bugs?

Can alcohol kill bed bugs?

Isopropyl alcohol, also known as rubbing alcohol, can kill bed bugs. However, using rubbing alcohol to resolve a bed bug infestation is inefficient and can even be dangerous. Even if using rubbing alcohol, we recommend contacting an Orkin Pro for safe bed bug control.

Does rubbing alcohol kill bed bugs instantly?

Rubbing alcohol with concentrations of 70-91% kills bed bugs quickly upon contact if applied correctly and directly to the pests. At this concentration, rubbing alcohol dissolves and desiccates the bed bug’s protective exoskeleton. Adult and nymph bed bugs that come in contact with high-percentage rubbing alcohol will die almost immediately. However, bed bugs are small and habitually hide in well-protected, hard-to-see places, so only using rubbing alcohol is largely inefficient since they may be hiding inside mattresses, within furniture, and in gaps and crevices within appliances or electrical outlets.

Is it safe to use rubbing alcohol on bed bugs?

Rubbing alcohol should be used carefully and sparingly since it is highly flammable. Improper use of rubbing alcohol is likely to create an unsafe situation.

How effective is rubbing alcohol for bed bug control?

Studies have found that rubbing alcohol can kill bed bugs; however, no matter how high the concentrations of alcohol were, only a maximum of 50% of the sprayed bed bugs died. These tests were performed in enclosed containers where rubbing alcohol was applied directly to the bed bugs.

While rubbing alcohol can kill bed bugs on direct contact, it is far from an effective solution for comprehensive bed bug control. These insects are excellent hiders, going for hard-to-reach places like mattress seams, furniture crevices, electrical outlets, and deep within appliances. A DIY approach using rubbing alcohol will only eliminate the few bugs you can visibly see, leaving the majority of the infestation untouched and free to reproduce.

For effective and comprehensive bed bug removal, professional bed bugcontrol may be required. Contact your local Orkin branch for help getting rid of bed bugs in your home.

Learn More About Bed Bugs

How to Check for Bed Bugs

Bed bugs can be hard to spot because of their small size and knack for hiding in tiny cracks. However, signs of an infestation include dark brown or black droppings on bedding and a faint, musty odor.

How Many Different Types of Bed Bugs Exist?

There are several species of bed bugs, including the common bed bug, tropical bed bug, bat bug, Mexican chicken bug, and barn swallow bug.

What's The Ideal Bed Bug Environment?

Bed bugs thrive in environments with a steady food supply and temperatures between 65° and 85°F, which makes bedrooms in homes the perfect place for them to reproduce and spread quickly.

DIY Bed Bug Treatment

Natural bed bug remedies like essential oils, rubbing alcohol, and heat or freezing treatments are often considered eco-friendly alternatives to chemicals. However, they may not be strong enough to fully eliminate an infestation.

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