Types of Rodents

The Order Rodentia is comprised of over 2,000 species, which are subdivided into many families. The Capromyidae, Castoridae, Cricetidae, Erethizontidae, Muridae, Sciuridae and Dipodidae are some of the most common families. The Family Muridae is the largest, containing nearly two-thirds of all rodent species. This family includes several subfamilies and includes sand rats, gerbils, crested rats and old world rats and mice.

There are many different rodent types which have been identified. The different types can be distinguished by their differences in physical appearance as well as genetics. The types often are grouped together with similar types.

Chipmunks, marmots, woodchucks, squirrels, prairie dogs and gophers belong to one rodent group.

Another group includes common house mice, rats, gerbils, hamsters, lemmings and voles.

Another well known group contains porcupines, capybaras, agouti, guinea pigs and chinchillas.

Desert Rodents


Mole Rodents

Vole Rodents

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