Signs of Mouse and Rodent Infestations in Your Home

Prevent and Control Mouse Infestations

Signs of mouse infestation include droppings, gnawed plastic or furniture, tracks and rodent sightings. House mice also emit musky odors. These signs help homeowners to identify nesting areas. Mouse nests are made from shredded fibers and other found materials. They are common in undisturbed areas such as shoeboxes and storage crates.

Although they primarily consume grains, oats and corn, mice are known to feed on many different foods available to them. When food is plentiful, infestations may cause many months of damage at a time.

Even small populations can cause considerable damage, so it is important to recognize an infestation as early as possible. Even those crops that are not fed upon by mice tend to become contaminated with mouse droppings, urine and saliva. The excrement of a number of species spreads diseases to humans and animals. Mice are excellent climbers, adept jumpers and are capable of fitting through openings much smaller than their bodies.

One female mouse can produce as many as 10 litters in one year. Moreover, young are born within 20 days after mating and are capable of reproduction within two months. The normal life span of the mouse is between nine months and one year.

As such, mouse infestations grow rapidly and prove extremely difficult to exterminate. Cleanliness, mouse proofing and professional, customized pest control methods are often all necessary. Contact your local pest control management expert for an inspection and consultation.

What Do Mice Eat?

Mouse Feces

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