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common pests
Common Pests in Lincoln, NE
Pest Control
More on pests in your area
When an unexpected infestation of tiny home invaders appears, Orkin pest control in Lincoln is ready for your call. We’re committed to results and confident in delivering them using our superior experience with invasive pests. With over 120 years of experience behind the Orkin brand, you can rest assured that you've made the right call.
Our home pest control in Lincoln helps protect your family and property from dangerous, invasive critters. Let us help fortify your home against common pests like cockroaches, ants, mosquitoes, rodents, crickets, silverfish, stinging pests, ticks, and spiders. These and many other pests present threats to your family and property.
Rodents, cockroaches, and even ants can contaminate your home's surfaces with germs that can make you very sick. Mosquito and tick bites can transmit dangerous and even deadly viruses and diseases. Fortunately, Orkin’s pest control service in Lincoln can help manage any problematic pest presence. With our extensive know-how and award-winning methodology, we can deliver a customized, effective pest treatment plan that helps fortify your home.
How many people live in your home — two? Four? Five? Well, if you have termites, you could be hosting millions of tiny residents that feed on wood and even drywall. They can do extensive damage, and what's worse is their presence and destruction is often silent and unnoticed. Lincoln termite control inspectors from Orkin can step in and assess every area of your home and then prescribe a customized management plan to address active colonies and help fortify your home from future invaders.
Our termite treatment in Lincoln uses state-of-the-art equipment and techniques that can include specialized termite bait, liquid spray deterrents, and void-filling foam. We target termites at every stage in their lifecycle to interrupt population growth and help prevent ongoing damage to your home. We can also set up a plan for your property to help ensure termite troubles are not a cause for continued worry or stress.
Another sneaky insect is the bed bug, and they can play hide-and-seek like no other. One single pregnant female can generate an infestation of thousands in only a few months. Quick action is the best defense to get rid of bed bugs in Lincoln homes. Bed bugs love to bite and drink blood— causing itchy bumps, rashes, and even skin infections from too much scratching. Our Lincoln bed bug control inspectors investigate all your living spaces to identify every instance of eggs, larvae, and grown bugs. Then, we provide targeted Lincoln bed bug treatment to help knock bed bugs out of your home.
Contact Orkin today to see what we can do to manage any troublesome pests in your Lincoln home.
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