German Cockroach Facts & Information

Protect your home or business from German cockroaches by learning techniques for identification and control.

German cockroach illustration
Blattella germanica
Light brown or tan
2 black stripes behind head
13 to 16 mm
Prefer to run than fly


How do I get rid of German cockroaches?

How does Orkin get rid of German cockroaches?

Your local Orkin Pro is trained to help manage German cockroaches and similar pests. Since every building or home is different, an exterminator will design a unique cockroach treatment program for your situation.

Orkin can provide the right solution to keep German cockroaches in their place…out of your home, or business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Behavior, Diet & Habits

Understanding German Cockroaches

What do German cockroaches look like?

  • Color: Adults are easily recognized by their light brown or tan coloration with two black horizontal stripes located on the pronotum immediately behind the head, The young, or nymphs, are darker, almost black in color, also with the black stripes behind the head.

  • Size: Adults grow to a length of 13-16 mm.

  • Wings: While adult German cockroaches have wings, they rarely fly, preferring to run.

Where do German cockroaches live?

Although capable of living outdoors in tropical environments, German cockroaches are most commonly found indoors, with a preference for the warmer and more humid areas of a structure. In homes, these cockroaches will typically be found in kitchens and bathrooms but can move to other areas of a home if food and moisture are available.

What do German cockroaches eat?

German cockroaches are scavengers, capable of feeding on almost any food source available. The pests will eat:

  • Bindings of books

  • Crumbs missed during cleaning or on dirty dishes.

  • Soap

  • Toothpaste

German Cockroach Life Cycle

German cockroaches go through a quick development process, which is why infestations can grow so fast. A single female carries an egg case, called an ootheca, which holds about 30 to 40 eggs. She keeps it with her until just a day or two before hatching, giving the nymphs the best chance of survival.

Once hatched, nymphs grow into adults in as little as 54 days, though it can take up to 215 days depending on conditions like temperature and food availability. On average, the entire process takes about 100 days. Once they reach adulthood, German cockroaches typically live for about 100 to 200 days, during which they continue to reproduce, leading to rapid population growth.

Want to learn more about the German cockroach life cycle? Read more here.

German Cockroach Reproduction

German cockroaches are known for their ability to reproduce quickly. Females only need to mate once for the production of young. After mating, and under normal conditions, they will produce, on average, 4 to 6 egg cases during their lives.

German Cockroaches vs. Asian Cockroaches

Asian cockroaches, a pest of the southeastern United States, are often mistaken for the German cockroach. Similar in appearance, the main differences between the two cockroaches are evident in their behavior.

While German cockroaches are known as a pest of structures, found frequently in areas of high humidity and temperature, Asian cockroaches are most frequently found outdoors, and only occasionally make their way into structures. In addition, Asian cockroaches are known for their ability to fly, whereas German cockroaches rarely use their wings for flight and prefer to run from danger.

German Cockroaches vs. American Cockroaches

German and American cockroaches are two of the most common cockroach species found in homes and businesses, but they have distinct differences in size, behavior, and habitat.

German cockroaches are much smaller, typically around ½ inch long, and are primarily found indoors, especially in warm, humid areas like kitchens and bathrooms. They reproduce rapidly and are known for their ability to hide in tight spaces.

American cockroaches, on the other hand, are significantly larger, growing up to 2 inches long. Unlike German cockroaches, they are often found outdoors, in sewers, basements, and other damp environments. They are also stronger fliers, whereas German cockroaches prefer to run rather than fly.

Recognizing the differences between these species can help determine the best approach for control and prevention.

More Information

German Cockroach Diseases

German cockroaches can spread bacteria and allergens that may pose health risks to humans. Learn how these pests contaminate food, trigger allergies, and contribute to respiratory issues.

German Cockroach Life Cycle

The life cycle of German cockroaches involves several phases, from egg to adult, with rapid reproduction contributing to their infestations. Understanding each stage can help in effectively controlling and preventing these pests.

German Cockroach Nests

German cockroaches create nests in hidden, warm, and moist areas, which provide ideal conditions for their rapid reproduction.

German Cockroach Nymphs

German cockroach nymphs are immature stages that resemble adults but are smaller and lack fully developed wings.

German Cockroach vs. American Cockroach

German and American cockroaches differ in size, behavior, and habitat, with German cockroaches being smaller and primarily found indoors, while American cockroaches are larger and often inhabit outdoor areas.

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