Do bed bugs live inside wooden beds?

Question: I was wondering if bed bugs could live within the wood of the bed.

I am doing an interior design project dealing with innovations in furniture in the 1800s, and they had bed bug problems as well. However, by changing furniture styles and bedding styles they were able to discourage these bugs almost completely and with much success. I honestly don't know why I am telling you this, and you might not even care but I think that if people of the past could get rid of these bugs by merely changing from wooden beds to metal beds then maybe our population might want to try a simple change like that, if these things are as bad as the media is making them out to be.

So, if bed bugs live in wood (wood framed bed) then getting a metal bed would be way worth the while in order to try to get rid of the problem. I would like an answer to my question and some feedback if you don't mind.

Answer: Bed bugs do not have a preference for wood or metal. They hide in narrow harborages close to where the potential host sleeps. This might be anywhere within several feet of the bed (baseboards, dressers, nightstand). Bed bugs were probably not eliminated after the 1800s by changing furniture style, nor will they be eliminated now by changing to metal beds.

Bed bug control is complicated and lengthy, often needing multiple visits. This is definitely not a do-it-yourself project. If you leave one bed bug, the problem will not go away. Give us a call to schedule a bed bug inspection by a certified Orkin Bed Bug Pest Specialist.

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